I was going through my stuff the other day and stumbled upon these Corny Cole layouts for a Duck Soup Nine-Lives cat food commercial featuring Sylvester and Mark Anthony. Corny worked on the Looney Tunes until Warner Bros. closed the studio in 1963. Corny brought his distinctive flair to a series of really classic spots in the late 70's. I had the pleasure of assisting animator Amby Paliwoda on a couple of these.
I have 4 of the 6 ten minute episodes already boarded out and ready to go. Here's some of the sticky antics from "The Countess" of the Kustomonsters! It'll be a mixture of "Diggin with Daddy-O", "Timbuktu", "Woodstock Manor" and "Kustomonster" shorts! Daddy-O!
Throughout the 80's I was doing a lot of hand drawn electricity animation work. Starting from my very first shot on ABC's AUTOMAN show, starring Desi Arnaz Jr. in 1983. It's kind of a lost art in the digital age, as is most hand drawn animation involving paper and the photo-chemical process.
We would first rotoscope the series of frames on animation paper, then animate in pencil or pen the desired fx on the corresponding frames. Then the animation would be shot on hi-con film producing a hold out pass to be run through an optical printer. There would be many exposure tests called "wedges" to find out the desired look for each frame. We would use various filters, gels, and passes to brew up the most mouth watering stuff we could do.
The Automan shots lead to Fx Direction for "MISFITS OF SCIENCE" starring the then rookie, Courtney Cox.
Electricity animators were cast just like actors. My style was more gothic/cartoon, while other artists such as Chris Cassidy was more humourous. John Van Vliet was more in the realistic vien, such as HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS and HONEY, I BLEW UP THE THE KID.
These bolt lightening techniques have long since been replaced by digital procedural methods involving no drawing whatsoever. More on Automan.
I case you you missed it on TV, here's the recent Flintstones Friuty Pebbles spot that we finished over at Wit Animation. The 2d characters were done in Flash by Mike Polvani, Dave Courtland and myself and composited over 3D Max elements.
Now before school, a "Hoppity Hooper" adventure was in order. It was another Jay Ward gem that was barely merchandised or remembered by many. Uncle Waldo, as it was known in syndication, was a trippy snake oil saleswolf who lead around hapless Filmore the bear, and an innocent boy frog, Hoppity Hopper. And yes, you got the Jay Ward Fractured Fairy Tales and Peabody and Sherman in the mix.
"Dennis the Menace" was in syndication in the 60's and 70's but is rarely seen today. Jay North did a great job as the nemesis to "Good 'Ole Mr. Wilson", giving him heart palpetations in every episode. "Where's my nerve medicine?'
Just for the theme song alone, "Super Chicken" will be remembered as part of the "George of the Jungle" show. "Tom Slick", (no relation to Grace) was also memorable. I remember a guy in my jr. High, Kirk Bachman had an animator dad, Bob Bachman who actually animated on the show....too cool!
Can't forget those Quisp and Quake commercials! Great spots for a cereal I did'nt eat. Jerry Lewis as an alien?
No VCR, no DVD, no Tivo. If you missed it, that was it, until reruns.
As stated in earlier posts, it was Corny Cole who introduced me to professional animation. Corny and his brother Peter were one of the first surfers on the west coast starting in the 40's in Santa Monica and Malibu. Peter went on to surf giant waves in Hawaii, while Corny stayed in Hollywood to animate Looney Tunes and hang ten at Malibu.
After working at Warners in the 50's and 60's, Corny followed Friz Freleng to De-Patie Freleng to layout several Pink Panther cartoons.
Later in 1974 when I was 14, Corny brought that infamous Flip Wilson animated special to my mothers first grade class. That was it. I was hooked.
Later I ended up at Duck Soup working with his layouts of classic Looney tunes characters like Sylvester for the Nine Lives Dry catfood commercials. Duane Crowther directed, Amby Paliwoda and Jeff Howard animated, Toby Bluth did the BG's and I assisted, I was 19 years old.
I was going through my stuff the other day and stumbled upon these Corny Cole layouts for a Duck Soup Nine-Lives cat food commercial featuring Sylvester and Mark Anthony. Corny worked on the Looney Tunes with Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng until Warner Bros. closed the studio in 1963 (after a stint on production designing U.P.A.'s 1962 "Gay Purr-e" feature film). Shortly after production designing Richard Williams 1977 feature "Raggedy Ann and Andy", Corny brought his distinctive flair to a series of really classic spots in the late 70's. I had the pleasure of assisting animator Amby Paliwoda on a couple of these around 1979.
Later in 1983, I worked with Corny in bringing back Alvin and the Chipmunks. Corny directed the opening title sequence in one week working around the clock. We were pulling 20 hour days and finally ran the whole 60 second thing through the 120 person Hanna-Barbera ink and paint department in 48 hours to make it to air. Whew!
Corny now teaches Life Drawing at Cal Arts in Valencia, and was the proud recipient of the Windsor MC Kay Annie Award in 2006 for Lifetime achievement.
I don't know what it was about the 60's TV animation, but my earliest memories were that TV cartoons were just cooler back then. I don't know if it was the residual sugar rush of the glazed donut from the Helms Bakery home delivery truck that motored down my street daily back then, or what. You'd just hear that truck whistle promptly at 4pm, just in time for the Gigantor cartoon on channel 11, and bam, coolness.
Or maybe it was just the catchy theme songs, like Cool Mc Cool
Then there was Batfink, which any 6 year old at the time knew was hep. Of course, we'd discuss all this at recess.
And even your parents knew Top Cat was cool, since it ran in prime time.
Now the 60's Spiderman was all about the theme song. Ralph Bakshi directed a bunch of these.
And much later in the 80's, The Thundercats took opening title sequences to an extreme, as their opening was 500 percent better than the overall show.
And so what is it that I'm up to you ask? "The Kustomonsters and Friends"! Yes, a new anthology show from Cheeky Entertainment, featuring "The Kustomonsters", "Astrothrill", "Timbuktu" and "Woodstock Manor". "The Kustomonsters" retro Monster hot rod adventures will be supported by fun short subjects a la "The Bullwinkle Show" of the 60's. A fun and unique experience.
Here's a clip from the 10 minute Astrothrill animated short, inspired by the Cheeky Press comic book of the same name.
Ever since I jumped into the Hollywood animation biz back in the 70's, I found there to be 3 different camps: Disney, Warners, and the "Outside"(or independents). That's where I fell in, the outside, and still remain until further notice. Although the industry has expanded substantially since back then, there are still different camps that tend to flock together, like in any business, or high school quad.
A few of the iconoclasts that I have worked with over the years can be seen here. I worked with Ralph Bakshi in 1991 on "Cool World" doing effects animation. Here's a trailer from what I think is one of his most interesting films, "Heavy Traffic".
Also surfing on the outside line up, was former Duck Soup animator Arnie Wong, who made quite a few trippy surf cartoons for Hal Jepsen's classic surf features. Here's a clip of "Karma" from Hal Jepsen's best surf film SUPER SESSIONS.
Also in the 80's I had the plesure of working with Wes Archer during the pre-Bevis and Butthead, Simpsons, King of the Hill era. We animated on a couple Taco Bell commercials at Dream Quest and a Howard Jones animated video called "You know I love you". Here's his seminal 80's student film "Jack Mac and Rad boy go" that started the whole edgy late 80's, early 90's animation that we all know.
Not to be forgotten are independent classic properties like "The Peanuts' by Bill Melendez Productions. Over the years I've animated on five of the classic animated specials, the last being "I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown" in 2003. It was great experience working with Bill who animated on two of my favorite Bob Clampett Looney Tunes of all time, "Wabbit Twouble" and "Book Revue". This underground homage popped up on the net a couple of years ago using found Peanuts dance footage sunk to the Outkasts "Hey Ya". Another outside classic! We also referenced some of these moves for the first Flash feature, "Lil Pimp" in 2003, very outside.
Also during that seminal time at Duck Soup during 1974, I had the pleasure of meeting animator Arnie Wong for the first time. I remember Arnie was working on a "Shamu the Whale" spot for Sea World. He along with Corny Cole were the first of a breed of "surfing animators", which struck me as rather cool. With my animation scenes tucked under my arm, I would ride the bus from Malibu and skateboard down Main street through Dogtown to Duck Soup. Duane Crowther was cool enough to shoot my stuff at the tail end of Duck Soup commercial pencil tests.
I later would work for Arnie Wong's Santa Monica studio called Tigerfly in the 80's. Arnie was famous for doing surf cartoons and trippy commercial animation like this "Bubblicious" spot...
At Duck Soup I learned quite a bit about classical character animation, while later at Arnie's Tigerfly, special effects animation was the door that was opening up for me. I also was given more responsibility in handling jobs all the way through. In 1984, Arnie was eagerly in pursuit of producing an animated feature featuring the artwork of French fantasy illustrator, Moebius. The project was called "Internal Transfer". We did produce a 3 minute promo piece as seen in the second part of this clip here...
Unfortunately "Internal Transfer" was not produced, but 24 years later, Arnie and Moebius realized thier dream and produced the feature "Thru the Moebius Strip".
As I mentioned earlier, it was a very influentional experience working with such seasoned and talented animation pro's so early in my career. Duck Soup was founded in 1972 by Duane Crowther and Roger Choiunard. In 1974, at age 14, I was taken under the wing of Duane, who was famous for his UPA commercials from the 50's and 60's, like this Hamms beer spot...
Duane also had the great fortune to apply his talents in 1968 on the Beatles "Yellow Submarine" feature. Probably due to his stylish and award winning UPA pedigree.
Also working around Duck Soup during the early 70's was Duane's friend, "Snow White" animator and "Betty Boop creator" Grim Natwick.
This was a great chance to get perspective and training in different styles and methods of animation. Besides handling Prince Charming on "Snow White", Grim handled very stylized work on UPA's "Rooty Toot Toot"
I later had the great fortune to be the assistant of 25 year Disney veteran Amby Paliwoda on many Duck Soup spots. This 1979 Tony the Tiger commercial for "Banana Frosted Flakes" was a two man job by Amby and I. Unfortunately the new flavor of flakes did'nt take with the public, as we still have the "classic" Frosted Flakes today.
Next time we'll explore more artists from early Duck Soup.
No, I'm not talking about the history of radical skateboarding, I'm talking about my animation career. Ah, 1974 to be exact. That's when I met Corny Cole and Sam Kirson, then of Duck Soup Produckions in Ocean Park (Dogtown) California. They came to my mother's classroom to present their newly completed "Flip Wilson animated special" to the first graders. I was there, doing my usual cartoons for the kiddies, when Corny and Sam took a liking to my drawings and invited me down to the studio. I was totally jazzed as you could imagine...stars in my eyes. There I met Duane Crowther (Yellow Submarine), Amby Paliwoda (Snow White), Grim Natwick (Betty Boop), and Arnie Wong (Tron).
What transpired was a 4 year aprenticeship starting at age 14, followed by 5 years of commercial animation work during my college vacations. Really invaluable experience that I don't think happens too often today.
Here's an early example of Duane Crowther's work
BLUM BLUM was the student film of Duane Crowther (1928-1998), who was one of the best commercial animators of the 1950s. He made this film when he was only twenty years old at UCLA.
In 1981, Duck Soup, in addition to producing hundreds of classic commercials, produced this Corny Cole animated segment for the "Heavy Metal" feature film. Unfortunately this section was "too good" for the film and was deleted from the studio cut.
Later in 1984, again in Santa Monica, at Arnie Wong's Tigerfly Studio, I had the chance to work with future Aeon Flux creator Peter Chung. At the time we were attempting to get a Moebius feature film off the ground called "Internal Transfer". Peter did a section, along with Ruben Aquino, Sue Kroyer, Bruce Woodside and Jon Norton. I was very impressed with the speed and facility of Peter's animation. Later he produced spots like this Rally's Commercial. The rest is history...
I'm knee deep in the development of the Kustomonsters and friends cartoon show. It will feature The Kustomonsters, Astrothrill, Timbuktu, Woodstock Manor and more. Look for it on the net, podcast or cell phone near you!
I do illustration, animation, comics, play drums and a little guitar, and even skateboard on occasion (old school Malibu/Dogtown style). I'm happily married and am the father of a precious little girl named Lola.
I hope you like the discussions here. The perspectives should be a bit different.