The first 30 minute episode of The Kustomonsters and friends is finished and being reviewed at various TV stations. Look for the Kustomonsters in Arizona and California early this summer. More updates coming soon. The first episode had a very sucessful screening at the Pink Slip Animation Co-Op meeting at the Animation Guild in Burbank on April 18th. A good time was had by all!
Meanwhile you can help bring The Kustomonsters to the screen by making a donation through Indie-A-Go-Go!
These funds will cover voice talent, media stock (DVD'S), promotional posters and stickers, and shipping fee's to TV stations. All well as legal and clearance fees. And Mummy DaddyO toy prototypes.
$25 or more = Two Snaps!
A special invite to the Cheeky Entertainent production blog which includes the latest inside scoops on the production of The Kustomonsters and Friends!
$50 or more = Everything's Jake Kats!
VIP PERK 1 Plus - Your name in the trailing "Special Thanks" credits of a The Kustomonsters Episode. Receive a "Thanks" credit in film and a copy of the DVD
$100 or more = Straight from the Fridge!
VIP PERK 1 & 2 Plus- An Astrothrill comicbook/CD/DVD signed by Craig Clark. Receive a "Special Thanks" credit in the film and a signed (by the cast and director) copy of the DVD
$250 or more = Boss Monsterific!
VIP PERK 1,2 & 3 Plus- a Kustomonsters pilot episode storyboard by "Simpsons" animator Craig Clark, with Kustomonsters and Astrothrill stickers! Also Receive a "Associate Producer" credit in the film and a signed (by the cast and director) copy of the DVD and a Kustomonsters limited edition T-Shirt!
$500 or more = Supercharged Kusto Daddyo!
VIP PERK 1,2,3 & 4 Plus- a "Cheeky Pak", including an Astrothrill comic/CD/DvD set, Nemesister comics 1-6 signed, Chorus of Souls CD, and a Drumatic CD. Receive "Executive Producer" credit in the film and 5 each signed (by the cast and director) DVD copies of the film and Kustomonsters limited editions T-Shirts.
I'm a 32 year animation veteran with an early mentorship from Disney and UPA legends. My credits range from Forrest Gump to the Simpsons! It's time to finally bring my own cartoons to the world! Please help, get screen credit and more!